FormulaBoost Documentation

Documentation and technical guide for the FormulaBoost Excel Add-in


Welcome to the FormulaBoost Excel Add-in documentation mini-site. There are two primary purposes for the documentation site:

  1. To outline all non-feature related aspects of FormulaBoost, including installation, system requirements and basic information about using and purchasing the product.
  2. To outline all feature related aspects of the add-in, that is, a detailed documentation of how the FormulaBoost software features work and are to be used to gain the most benefit from the product.


The list of pages within the documentation site are listed on the left pane. On mobile devices this pane is made visible by clicking the icon in the top left of your screen.

You can return back the to main site by clicking the 'Main Site' button on the top right of the screen. On mobile devices, this button appears as a house icon.


The documentation always refers to the latest version of FormulaBoost. To the extent the product changes over time so as to require new documentation of its features, your installed version of FormulaBoost may not reflect the content of the documentation site.

Further Support

If after reading the documentation you cannot find answers to your questions or find the answers unsatisfactory, or you wish to reports errors in the documentation, please contact support with your inquiry.
